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Cheap Plumbing Fixtures

Cheap plumbing fixtures on-line and the desire for a bargain has created an on-line love affair to compare prices of supposedly comparable products and services.

It is a guarantee no matter how much you pay for any product or service you will always find it cheaper on-line. This has given rise to an increasing belief by many consumers that they have paid over the odds and have been ripped off because they found allegedly the same product or service on-line “cheaper”.

It is worth remembering that “cheap” has two meanings. Where plumbing products and services are concerned “cheap” is responsible for some colossally expensive problems. In fact a large amount of work undertaken by Whywait Plumbing is because of consumers who took the “cheap” option. The old adage that you get what you pay for is certainly truer today than at any other time in our history.

Plumbing products that are sold in Australia are subject to stringent testing, designed to ensure that they meet Australian Standards. Once plumbing products meet the required Australian standards they are granted a WaterMark. The product whether its a tap or a toilet or a hot water service or a urinal must display the WaterMark logo as pictured to the right on the product by law.

If you are buying plumbing products on-line from overseas or if your builder or plumber is doing this to cut costs then it is a sure bet that it will end up costing you much more than the money saved in repairs and replacement.

Always make sure you understand what you are paying for and ensure that it has a compliant Australian WaterMark approval. Using a non compliant non WaterMark approved product will null and void your insurance policy if the product is defective and causes property damage.

When you are upgrading or replacing or renovating you will comes across a lot of great looking plumbing products to select from and ones that make great claims in terms of durability and long-life. Usually they are much “cheaper” and are tempting to purchase for the price being offered. Generally where mixer taps and toilet suites are concerned the cheaper the price means corners have been cut in their production. If you cannot see the WaterMark on the product then do not purchase it.

Unfortunately in Australia it is not illegal for non compliant products to be imported and sold. It is however illegal for plumbers to install them. Listening to unqualified salesman who tell you how wonderful the cheap plumbing product is have lead many people to have expensive repairs undertaken. It is always best especially if renovating to stipulate any product supplied for your job meets or exceeds the relevant Australian Standard and or WaterMark for plumbing products.

By Gary Mays

Drain Odours

Drain Odours

Aidan Clarke of Marine Energy Systems employed Whywait Plumbing to remove drain odours

                       Aidan Clarke

Drain odours have plagued Aidan Clarke the owner of Marine Energy Systems at Murarrie since 2006. Since opening his workshop and showroom, he had been trying to solve the problem of foul odours in their bathroom. The smell was so bad that employees had complained that it was making them nauseous.

ADCO Constructions, the builder of the complex, had organised their plumber to replace the drainage connection for the toilet suite to no avail. Odour blockers had been placed in the bathroom, but they too were of limited value and failed to address the problem with drain odours continually there.

The problem was particularly acute after weekends with the door having to be jammed open on Monday to get fresh air into the bathroom. The problem was particularly embarrassing when clients of the company viewing product in the showroom needed to use the bathroom.

In May 2011 in absolute frustration, Aidan Clarke contacted Gary Mays of Whywait Plumbing to solve the drain odours problem. After a thorough inspection of all existing drain connections to the toilet, shower and basin it was concluded that the only logical place that the drain odours could be emanating from was the floor waste trap in the middle of the floor.

As a result, Gary Mays from Whywait Plumbing Services contacted John Carroll from Eco Guardians to obtain his advice to see if a new product he had discussed with Gary Mays previously would solve the problem. A DrainGuardian™ was supplied to us to fit into the floor waste. The DrainGuardian™ was installed in less than 5 minutes, replacing the existing grate cover.

Once installed water was poured down the floor waste ensuring there was a water seal in the DrainGuardian in addition to the existing water seal in the main 100mm trap that makes up the drainage floor waste system.

Drainguardian eliminating drain odours installed by Whywait Plumbing

 DrainGuardian™ eliminating drain odours from floor wastes

The entire process of installation was completed to ensure the sceptical, long-suffering Aidan Clarke that the DrainGuardian™ would provide greater protection to any form of odour emission from the floor waste and end the problem he had been enduring.

The DrainGuardian™ works by creating two physical barriers to smells and vermin while it also kills airborne bacteria, waterborne bacteria and fungi. In the smelly bathroom at Marine Energy Systems the improvement was immediate and permanent.

The results were almost instantaneous as within one day the DrainGuardian™ had eliminated odour problems in the bathroom. The elimination of the odours in such a short time proved conclusively the problem that Marine Energy Systems had been enduring since 2006 had been the floor waste trap all along. There was nothing structurally defective with the floor waste trap that was causing odour emission’s which makes the source of the odours a common problem we find these days in that it is a venting problem in the entire sewer drain system to the property. What had been happening was a siphoning effect that caused the floor waste trap to be sucked either completely or partially dry that allowed drain odours to be emitted through the floor waste and into the bathroom.

Aidan Clarke now categorically states, “ DrainGuardian™ should be compulsory in every floor waste in every bathroom as a clean bathroom environment cannot be underestimated. I have wasted incredible amounts of money on trying to solve this problem as it was a cause of acute embarrassment to me, our staff and to clients. Our bathroom is now a pleasure to enter with there being no drain odours at all thanks to a straightforward solution in DrainGuardian.”

If you are experiencing drain odours book Whywait Plumbing to investigate today by calling us on (07) 5580 4311





DIY Plumbing Comes At An Increasing Cost To The Environment

The plumbing staff at Whywait Plumbing every day see the results of the growing popularity of DIY home renovations, encouraged by an “explosion” in television programmes on home renovation. Despite the fact that it is illegal throughout Australia for anyone other than a licensed plumber to work on potable water systems or sanitary drainage systems there is an increasing number of people embarking on DIY renovations of their homes who purchase all of the fixtures and fittings and then set about installing them connecting to the existing water supply and sanitary drainage system.

It is frightening to see the number of cross connections that occur with wrongly sized pipes being connected to the hot water supply or the recycled water supply or the rain water tank supply by mistake. Even more frightening is illegal cross connections with sanitary drainage pipes being connected to storm water pipes leading to raw sewage being increasingly discharged into creeks, streams and rivers and ultimately into the ocean. This illegal sewage discharge has a devastating effect on the environment and especially on animals, birds and fish.

These illegal drainage cross connections mean that sewage discharge water that should be piped into the sewage system is being fed into ground and coastal waters. As the amount of cross connections increase there is a growing problem causing the degradation of smaller creeks, streams and rivers that are threatening invertebrate ecosystems and depleting fish stocks. The sewage removes oxygen, encouraging eutrophication resulting in increasing growth of algae and as a result the water becomes stagnant. Invariably this changes the ecosystem and the invertebrates which results in a bland range of invertebrates being available as food source which are crucial for young fish. These illegal cross connections have other unforeseen effects such as the problem of endocrine disruptor’s, which is the impact of medications such as contraceptive pills which can change the sex of the fish.

There has always been a problem was illegal cross connections. This has resulted in local councils and water authorities undertaking smoke testing of the sewer drains to detect smoke rising out of the illegal connections. Unfortunately this only detects illegal storm water connections into the sewer or sanitary drain system. Locating sewer being discharged into the storm water system is much harder and frequently only occurs when a plumber is called to a property and finds the cause of a blockage is actually a cross connected drain. There are increasing concerns that the problem could become even greater with the popularity of DIY home renovations to blame.

In the United Kingdom the problem is more pronounced as they have no plumbing licencing system resulting in almost anyone being able to undertake plumbing work.  Dr Robert Keirle, pollution programme manager at the Marine Conservation Society, recently stated, “As DIY has become more popular over the years, aided by an explosion in property programmes on television, the problem has been growing. People see a pipe, think it’s the right one to attach to, and untreated water from washing machines, but also toilets, ends up going to the wrong place.  It is also probably a result of the times we live in, with people unable to afford to call in tradesmen to do the plumbing.”

This same statement can also be attributed to Australia with the DIY enthusiasts unaware of the dangers they create by doing it themselves. Unfortunately most plumbing is out of sight in the walls, floor or underground resulting in the out of sight, out of mind impression. Unfortunately this is not the case and one result of not using licensed plumbers to undertake the work is that if there is ever an insurance claim resulting from the illegal plumbing work the likely scenario is that the insurance policy will prove to be null and void. This results in unfortunate home owners being out of pocket to the tune of many thousands of dollars all due to the deluded self belief that it is okay to do it yourself.

The natural human instinct of the DIY enthusiast’s is that its only me and what effect will that have, because of course one cross connection does not have a particularly dramatic effect, but in reality it is death by a thousand cuts to the environment. In reality it is like having a sewage treatment plant that does not work and just sends everything out to sea. Very simply there is an increasing amount of people undertaking DIY home renovations who think the law does not apply to them and do not understand that there is a huge difference between the pipe connecting to the sewer and the pipe that gets rid of rain water into the storm water system.

Why Should You Use A Licensed Plumber

Here at Whywait Plumbing we have been asked the question why should I use a licensed plumber, what is the difference between a licensed plumber and an unlicensed plumber. Well here in Queensland and for the fact throughout Australia the answer is simple as all plumbers are licensed as are all companies that are plumbing contractors. There is no such occupation listing as an unlicensed plumber. No one other than a licensed plumber can legally undertake work on any part of your water or drainage system.

We all take for granted the clean drinking water when you turn on the tap. We never think twice about the sewer waste that disappears when you flush the toilet. However, these everyday habits are a major concern when clean water does not come out of a tap or sewer waste rushes to the top of the toilet and overflows. These are the moments when you think about hiring a plumber and wonder who can be trusted.

Despite the myriad of handymen who advertise they can do plumbing along with every other skilled trade description the truth is only a skilled, licensed, professional in plumbing services can get the job done in a compliant, legal manner. There are a number of reasons to consider why hiring a licensed plumbing contractor is in best interest of you, your family and your plumbing and drainage system.

  • They are at the top of their profession with licences issued by the Queensland Government’s Plumbing Industry Council and Building Services Authority
  • Licensed plumbers are familiar with different plumbing problems. Generally, plumbing systems are an integral part of your home. A professional licensed plumber understands this and will approach each installation or repair service with dedicated precision. You want someone who knows the layout of your plumbing system to guarantee the cause of the problem is isolated and fixed. A handyman is an amateur who frequently makes things worse by fixing the wrong part or installing a faulty system.
  • Licensed Plumbers receive high level federally legislated training to a standard curriculum at TAFE colleges plus their on job training
  • Licensed plumbing professionals have earned this distinctive title because of training and licensing requirements. Hiring a licensed and insured plumbing professional is a guarantee that they can handle any type of plumbing job. This investment is also a guarantee that plumbing professionals want to build their reputation on satisfying customers.
  • Licensed Plumbing Professionals have the correct tools and know how to use them.Training is one thing but having the proper tools and equipment to perform plumbing jobs successfully is another. Plumbing tools are not cheap and licensed plumbing contractors understand that investing in the right tools is an investment in getting the job done right.They not only have the right tools, but they also know that using the right ones makes the job easier. You will save on time and labour costs, and they avoid the frustration of doing a poor job. Licensed plumbing contractors are serious about their work and you can be confident that your plumbing needs will be adequately fixed.
  • Cheap solutions create expensive repairs as too many people look for ways to save money when an unexpected repair is required. There is nothing wrong with being a good budget manager of your money. However, depending on a cheap, inexpensive fix for a major plumbing problem is not the way to learn that cheaper is not better. Looking for the cheapest route to pay for a plumbing job can lead to more frustrations. Additionally, you will frequently pay more to have Whywait Plumbing remove what was done illegally and reinstall in a legal compliant manner.
  • Licensed plumbers will complete the work and not charge more than is necessary. They are the ones who are trained and experienced in unblocking drains and fixing leaking water pipes. When you flush the toilet after their work, you can expect to be satisfied.
  • Most licensed plumbing contractors have at least 10 years of professional experience. Some concentrate on one specific plumbing area such as blocked drains. Others may specialise in plumbing maintenance to existing buildings or some companies only undertake new construction.

Always remember whether you need plumbing work for a renovation project or to stop a leaking tap or to clear a blocked drain a licensed plumbing contractor is your only choice.

Do We Need Plumbing Inspectors in Queensland?

Do We Need Plumbing Inspectors in Queensland?

For as long as I can remember, there has been a debate about whether we need council plumbing inspectors. After all, there is no such thing as council building inspectors anymore or electrical or gas inspectors. Plumbers in Queensland are the only licensed trade still legally obligated to have work inspected by the local council plumbing inspector.

In reality, Queensland is the only state in Australia still with council plumbing inspectors. All other states now only have audits of work undertaken which depend on the honesty and integrity of the plumbers lodging the correct paperwork.

With the amendments to the Plumbing and Drainage Act 2002 coming into effect in Queensland in November, I believe we will have the best of all worlds. We will still have council plumbing inspectors, but their role will change to allow them to concentrate on ensuring new buildings are fully compliant, plus undertaking much more audit work.

The most significant improvement will be that much of the work on existing buildings will become notifiable, meaning that it can be undertaken without a council permit or inspection. This will reduce red tape and fees dramatically, plus speed up the ability of work being launched, as there will be no waiting of 2-4 weeks for applications to be processed and approved.

Of course, these improvements will only benefit plumbing companies that already obey the law and ensure they undertake work in a compliant manner. It will make no difference to those plumbers who have refused to comply with the law and lodge no paperwork. Likewise, it will make no difference to those without plumbing licenses who undertake plumbing work.

In recent years I have undertaken projects in Asia based in Singapore, where we have an office specialising in advanced hot water systems and sustainability products such as waterless urinals. Having returned from Singapore this week, I am reminded why we need plumbing inspectors because there is no sense in having world class laws and regulations when there are no audits or inspections of the work to ensure the plumbing systems are compliant.

Gold Coast plumbing inspectors

Above is a photo of a 25-litre hot water service installation in a bathroom in an apartment worth around $1.75 million in downtown Singapore. This would have been installed as part of the building construction and is impossible to maintain without completely disconnecting as the element and thermostat face into the wall. Even more concerning is that the relief valve does not discharge into a tundish but onto the floor.

This scenario is not unusual in Singapore, as there are no plumbing inspections. Although similar to Australia, buildings are constructed to a cost, not to a standard but at least in Queensland, with council plumbing inspectors undertaking inspections at all stages of a building’s construction, building owners can be assured that the plumbing and drainage installations are compliant and of a high standard.

On the Gold Coast, it is to be hoped that the GCCC plumbing inspectors embrace the reforms and improve their track record for “interpretations” of both the legislation and the Australian standards.

Ultimately local council plumbing inspectors are a critical part of the system in protecting public health and safety, and a well-run council plumbing inspectors department benefits the community as a whole.

Renovated Bathrooms Increase Your Homes Value More Than Any Other Room Renovation

Renovated Bathrooms Increase Your Homes Value More Than Any Other Room Renovation

Updating a bathroom is a great way to add value to your home. A well-designed, modern bathroom can make your home more attractive to potential buyers and increase the overall value of your property. But just how much value can a bathroom renovation add to your home? According to recent studies, bathroom renovations can add more value to your home than any other type of room renovation. This is because a bathroom is one of the most essential rooms in a house, and a well-designed, modern bathroom can make a big difference in how potential buyers view your home.

Spending money to create a stylish, modern bathroom will increase the value of your home more than spending the equivalent amount of money anywhere else in your home. For example, if you want to sell your home, the $20000 spent with Whywait Plumbing to revive your bathroom will increase buyer interest and your asking price. However, if renovated correctly, you can expect to get twice as much back as you’ve invested. The increase in value is frequently two to three times that of spending comparable sums on bedrooms or lounge rooms.

When planning a bathroom renovation, it’s essential to keep in mind the latest trends and design elements that are popular in the current market. This can include features like walk-in showers, double vanities, and heated flooring.

It’s also important to consider your home’s overall style and aesthetic when planning a bathroom renovation. This can help ensure that the new bathroom fits in seamlessly with the rest of your home and adds value in a way that is consistent with the style and design of your property.

Bathroom renovations do not have to take weeks or cost tens of thousands of dollars. Frequently all that is required is new taps, a fresh coat of paint and a well-placed new mirror to open a bathroom up.

You should know that any renovation work will put your bathroom out of action for a few days requiring alternative bathroom arrangements. However, if you have some basic decorating skills, then it is something you can manage yourself, as you can save a great deal of money by undertaking your own redecorating.

Despite what the nice man at Bunnings may tell you, be aware that you are required by law to hire qualified contractors for some tasks. This is mainly for plumbing and electrical functions, as you can undertake painting and tiling yourself if you feel competent.

Updating to a completely renovated, modern, stylish bathroom is the ultimate solution. In reality, it is expensive as it requires stripping back the bathroom to bare concrete floors and stripping the wall linings.  If budget is not an issue and you have a second bathroom to use while undertaking the renovations, then it is the way to proceed, as the end result is a brand-new bathroom.

But if you’re willing to learn about what is available, do the decorating yourself and how things work, you can save thousands of dollars using a few simple ideas to add depth and dimension to an existing bathroom. Four inexpensive yet straightforward ideas are:

  • Upgrading the taps, spouts, and other fittings, such as towel rails in your bathroom, can significantly affect how your bathroom looks. Moving from outdated accessories to modern, sleek designs will give your bathroom as much of a facelift as replacing the bath, shower and vanity in many instants.
  • Rethink your lighting, as most bathrooms only use a single light source, which radiates from the middle of the ceiling. Installing several light fittings as mood lighting in various key points will give your bathroom an entirely different feel. You can also change how the lighting works by adding mirrors to reflect the existing light at different angles, which opens up darker corners.
  • Changing the colour scheme in your bathroom can turn it into a whole new bathroom. How much it costs to do so will depend on how radically you want to change things. A new shade of paint is an advantageous and relatively inexpensive way to recolour your bathroom compared with retiling. Upgrading your shower doors and adding a feature wall of tiles will work well with new colours to create a fresh feel.

Simple bathroom renovations, provided that you approach them from the right direction and manage it properly, do not need to involve any stress and can be tremendously rewarding financially and personally. The key to a stress-free bathroom renovation is to know what is required and to have a clear idea of what you want before you begin.

Overall, bathroom renovations are a great way to add value to your home and make it more attractive to potential buyers. With the right design elements and attention to detail, a bathroom renovation can be a smart investment that pays off in the long run.