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A SolarArk solar powered roof ventilation fan installation reduces summer heat extremes

A solar-powered SolarArk roof ventilation fan installation reduces you feeling summer heat extremes in your home or business with a reduction in temperature inside your roof space cavity of up to 30°C

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A SolarArk solar-powered roof ventilation fan installation reduces summer heat extremes.

A solar-powered SolarArk roof ventilation fan installation reduces your feeling of summer heat extremes in your home or business with a reduction in temperature inside your roof space cavity of up to 30°C

Installation of a Roof Ventilation Fan Stops You Feeling Summer Heat Extremes

A correctly sized roof ventilation fan system reduces summer heat extremes in your home or business.

This is a guarantee when we install a SolarArk solar-powered roof ventilation fan system in your home or business.

In the middle of summer on the Gold Coast, a SolarArk roof fan can reduce the temperature in your roof space or ceiling cavity, which is the area between your roof and the ceiling, by 30°C.

Yes, a reduction of 30°C is correct. The air in the space between your roof and the ceiling will frequently exceed 70°C throughout the summer months.

This translates to a reduction in room temperature inside your home or business of up to 6°C. Imagine the difference this makes to your air conditioning system’s efficiency, performance and electricity costs.

A roof ventilation fan suppresses heat buildup all year round

Installing one or more SolarArk roof ventilation fan systems continuously exchanges the hot roof space air to suppress ongoing heat buildup throughout the day as temperatures increase.

During the summer months, mainly but even year-round, your roof attracts the sun’s heat. As a result, your roof heats up all day long, transferring that heat through your roof and superheating the air in the roof space. This then moves into heating up the inside of your home and increasing the temperature in your living areas.

A roof fan reduces structural heat damage in your roof space

Installing a SolarArk roof ventilation system reduces the condensation buildup in the roof space. This, in turn, reduces the possibility of structural damage to your home or office significantly.

Few of us know that the buildup of heat and lack of ventilation in the roof space over time creates structural damage to timber roof trusses and ceiling battens.

Damage caused to your timber roof trusses and ceiling battens by the lack of ventilation in the roof space increases with the age of the building.

This lack of ventilation or heat exchange results in high humidity levels. This then creates condensation or moisture, which settles onto the ceiling sheets, ceiling battens and timber trusses, creating the possibility of damage such as warping and splitting over time.

A roof ventilation fan reduces mould health issues in your roof space

The installation of a SolarArk roof ventilation system dramatically reduces the condensation build-up in the roof space, significantly reducing the possibility of health issues created by mould spores.

Health issues created through mould spores breeding in the roof space due to the condensation can adversely affect the air quality inside your home and the overall health of you and your family.

Whats is the difference between a SolarArk roof ventilation fan & a whirlybird roof fan

A SolarArk roof fan system is nothing like an old-fashioned noisy whirlybird system. A whirlybird only works to a limited degree when it is windy. In addition, a whirlybird is often ineffectual at eliminating heat buildup in your roof space due to its dependency on the wind blowing.

A whirlybird is often most noisy at night when it is windy. This noise is usually heard all through the house.

You will need to install FIFTEEN whirlybird units to move the same amount of air as ONE SolarArk roof fan.

How does a SolarArk Roof Ventilation Fan Work?

All roof fans are designed to remove the heat buildups from the roof space and replace them with cooler air.

 The difference between old-fashioned wind-powered whirlybird roof fans and SolarArk is based on removing the hot air at a flow rate of 45.31 cubic meters per minute.

 SolarArk is entirely solar-powered with an inbuilt photovoltaic polysilicon power system that powers a whisper-quiet brushless DC motor at 1000rpm. This operates a highly quiet polycarbonate fan which will remove up to an incredible 2718 cubic meters of air from the roof space every hour.

 Even in winter, the SolarArk ventilation system will continue to move the air and ventilate your roof space. Still, it will automatically stop operating when the air temperature drops below 24°C, which ensures you preserve the beneficial effects of the roof space heat to keep your house warm.