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Discover Our Comprehensive Urinal Maintenance Solutions for Clean and Hygienic Bathrooms

We know urinals inside and out, as we specialise in urinal servicing and maintenance. We are the Gold Coast’s best-equipped and most experienced urinal servicing company for all brands, styles and types of waterless urinals and water-flushing urinals.

Book Your Urinal Servicing Today

Book your urinal servicing now with Whywait Plumbing for Fast, Efficient and Dependable Solutions You Can Rely On.

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Discover Our Comprehensive Urinal Maintenance Solutions for Clean and Hygienic Bathrooms

We know urinals inside and out, as we specialise in urinal servicing and maintenance. We are the Gold Coast’s best-equipped and most experienced urinal servicing company for all brands, styles and types of waterless urinals and water-flushing urinals.

Book Your Urinal Servicing Today

Book your urinal servicing now with Whywait Plumbing for Fast, Efficient and Dependable Solutions You Can Rely On.

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Breathe Easy: Say Goodbye to Nasty Odours with Our Professional Urinal Maintenance Service

If your urinals stink, they are not being serviced correctly.

Male public bathrooms that have the distinctive urine odour generally only have that “lovely” odour for four reasons:

  • poor air extraction and ventilation
  • substandard cleaning practices
  • floor waste traps that are poorly maintained
  • urinals that are not regularly serviced and maintained

At Whywait Plumbing Service, we are specialists in keeping your bathroom facilities in a healthy environment. Our product range and specialised services ensure your bathrooms are correctly maintained, hygienic, and have an odour-free experience for your employees and customers.

Don’t Get Caught with Your Pants Down: Learn Who Can Legally Maintain Your Urinals and Keep Your Bathroom Odour Free

Despite the fake claims of many cleaning and hygiene companies, it is illegal for them to undertake any maintenance or servicing work on urinals apart from cleaning them.

Whywait Plumbing Services recommends that cleaners protect themselves from potential infections and fines and refuse to break the law. We always ensure that only licensed plumbers undertake our urinal maintenance and servicing.

Building owners, cleaning company owners, building operations managers and supervisors all leave themselves open to large fines and potential civil damages claims for directing cleaners to service and maintain any urinal illegally.

Plumbers, unlike cleaners, are trained to undertake tasks such as clearing drains or working on toilets or urinals. These tasks require specialised training, diagnostic skills and an awareness of health and safety issues.

Legally Only an Expert Plumber Licensed by QBCC Can Take Care of Your Urinals

In Queensland, urinal maintenance is not just a matter of hygiene but a legal requirement. Expert plumbers, licensed by the Queensland Government’s QBCC, must ensure that urinals are serviced and maintained in strict compliance with WaterMark certification.

This adherence is mandated by several legislative acts, including:

  • Building and Construction Legislation (Non-conforming Building Products – Chain of Responsibility and Other Matters) Amendment Act 2017
  • Plumbing and Drainage Act 2018
  • Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2019

This underscores the paramount importance of maintaining urinals not only for health and hygiene but also for legal compliance and public safety.

No Water, No Problem: Keep Your Waterless Urinals in Top Shape with Our Maintenance and Servicing Solutions

Servicing waterless urinals is an integral part of any maintenance regime for all manufacturers of waterless urinals. Waterless urinals are explicitly engineered to function without wasting water to flush them and use one of three systems to operate:

  • oil-based odour barrier systems
  • mechanical traps and one-way valves
  • biological systems

Every waterless urinal uses different parts and requires servicing at a differing timeframe. In addition, under Queensland law and the WaterMark approval system on all urinals, it is illegal to use substitute parts. This is because these parts are not the genuine WaterMark tested and approved components for each urinal model under their WaterMark approval.

At Whywait Plumbing, we are waterless urinal servicing specialists for ZeroFlush, Uridan, Falcon, Caroma, Urimat, Britex, Arid, and Waterless.

We use only genuine parts from each manufacturer on all waterless urinals and will not use illegal parts from Desert EcoEnswicoFresh & Clean or Whiffaway, to name a few.

Our waterless urinal servicing equipment is job-specific for the servicing of urinals. It includes a purpose-built electric mini water jetrodding unit to remove all calcium/magnesium build-ups such as calcium phosphate, struvite and scale that build up in urinal traps, bend and junction walls in the drain piping.

Gold Coast urinal servicing specialists

The Desert Eco Adapt Cartridge Is A Non-Conforming Product

Desert eco adapt cartridge illegally installed in ZeroFlush waterless urinals Yet again we have come across the installation of the Desert Eco Adapt cartridge illegally installed in ZeroFlush waterless urinals at Queensland Tennis Centre. We immediately informed the...

No Water, No Problem: Keep Your Waterless Urinals in Top Shape with Our Maintenance and Servicing Solutions

Uridan urinals requiring urinal servicing from Whywait Plumbing

The situation at Brisbane Airport serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of compliance in urinal maintenance.

As the photos above and below illustrate, even the professional property managers at Brisbane Airport can be duped into installing non-conforming and non-compliant Desert No Flush Cartridge into their 246 urinals.

It was beguiled by representatives of Desert in 2018 that they could remove all of the genuine WaterMark-compliant parts from Uridan, Caroma and ZeroFlush urinals and replace them with their “advanced technology” that was much more affordable, environmentally friendly and better for urinal cleaning.

 Within six months, they were all removed after multiple continuous issues with blockages and odour complaints. The genuine Uridan, Caroma and ZeroFlush parts were reinstalled to ensure the airport urinals were again legally compliant and performing as per their WaterMark approvals.

Caroma H20 waterless urinals requiring urinal servicing by Whywait Plumbing Services
Britex waterless urinal before experiencing urinal servicing from Whywait Plumbing

Flush Away Your Urinal Troubles: Experience Our Expert Maintenance and Servicing Solutions for Water Flushing Urinals to Ensure Optimal Flushing and Drainage

The misconception that water flushing urinals are flushed clean with water is a common belief and is wrong for multiple reasons. The reality is that water-flushing urinals require regular scheduled servicing.

Water-flushing urinals have been installed for over 100 years and come as individual urinals or sizeable stainless steel troughs. For flushing water down the walls of the urinal, there are several different technologies still in widespread use:

  • a storage cistern with a manually operated button or handle
  • a manually operated exposed flush valve above the urinal
  • a timing switch where multiple urinals are connected to a single cistern with a constant drip-feed of water slowly filling the cistern until a tipping point is reached and the valve opens to flush all the urinals
  • a door-regulated flush where a switch is located into the door frame and flushes the urinals every time the door opens
  • an electronic movement detector that flushes the urinal after motion is detected in the bathroom

Every water-flushing urinal installation differs from multiple choices for the actual flushing technology. At Whywait Plumbing Services, we have had a long experience maintaining water-flushing urinals and frequently work on urinals from Caroma, Britex, Stoddart, Zip, Zurn, Sloan, and numerous other brands.

Call us today to provide a water-flushing urinal servicing proposal, where we will undertake an onsite assessment of the entire facility. This is an absolute necessity due to the multiple solutions and installations available. Our urinal servicing equipment is job-specific for urinals. It includes a purpose-built electric mini water jetrodding unit to remove all calcium/magnesium build-ups such as calcium phosphate, struvite and scale.

As water-flushing urinals have become very low flush, we need to clean the build-up in urinal traps, bend and junction wall piping at least annually.

Unlicensed Unqualified Illegal Urinal Servicing: The Stuff of Nightmares! Choose Our Licensed Plumbers for Legal, Expert, and Hassle-Free Urinal Servicing.

David James is undertaking an annual urinal service which includes the use of our purpose-built electric mini water jetrodding unit to remove all calcium/magnesium build-ups such as calcium phosphate, struvite and scale that build up in urinal traps, bend and junction walls in the drains on both waterless and water flushing urinals.

ZeroFlush waterless urinal servicing by Whywait Plumbing at Golden Casket

ZeroFlush Urinals Aid Water and Energy Sustainability

Water is a finite resource, and as environmental consciousness grows, so does our responsibility to preserve it. With traditional urinals squandering copious amounts of water, an alternative is not just an option but an urgent necessity. Enter ZeroFlush waterless...

Plumbing Innovations are Disruptive Innovation

Plumbing innovations have always been the norm in the plumbing industry. Innovation is change and is always about better ways of doing the same thing. When I started my apprenticeship the clearing of a blocked drain started using a plunger and was at least a two-man...

It’s A Fact ZeroFlush Waterless Urinals Save More Water Than Money

ZeroFlush waterless urinals are gaining traction among architects, hydraulic engineers, facilities managers, and building owners throughout the Gold Coast, thanks to their significant water conservation benefits.At Whywait Plumbing, we recognise the discussions around...

Climate Change & Food Pressures Are Threatening The Worlds Water Supply

Despite recent floods, Australia is still the world's driest continent. Only five years ago, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane were on the verge of running out of potable water. Not only in Australia but across the world, the water supply is being strained by climate...

Zero Flush Waterless Urinals Are Not Only Aiding Sustainability But Are Environmentally Friendly

Waterless urinals are much more than water conservation Commercial building owners ten years ago were predominantly concerned with maintaining a clean public toilet facility, and little or no thought was given to sustainability. It was a known operational fact that...

“Excellent service & value for money with the plumbing problem explained and solved promptly without delay. Gary’s knowledge and industry experience is unquestionable and his honest, down to earth approach is refreshing. Highly recommended plumbing business.”

Justin Hansard

Executive Director, The Hansard Group