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Do you have mould around your tiles?

Do you have mould around the tiles or walls in your bathroom or kitchen? If you do, you are not alone, as it is a common problem, particularly in bathrooms and South East Queensland kitchens due to our sub-tropical climate. Like most problems, prevention is vital and preventing mould is often very simple.

Mould is a type of fungus that can grow on a variety of surfaces, including walls, ceilings, and floors. It is commonly found in damp or humid environments, such as bathrooms and kitchens. Mould can cause a variety of health problems, including allergies, respiratory issues, and infections.

shower mould

Mould loves wet areas

Because your bathroom and especially the shower area are the wettest areas in your home, it is not uncommon to see mould growing in the grouting and silicon sealants. Mould loves the perfect atmosphere of your bathroom as it creates the ideal conditions for mould growth in the cracks and gaps in the tiling. Consequently, mould grows behind and through the grout joints on the tiles. As seen in the photo above, mould loves getting in behind the silicon seal on the internal corners, whether on the wall or the floor.

The most common area to find mould is in your shower, where it is nourished by your body oils, shampoo and soap residue left behind every time the shower is used.

Poor air circulation actively assists mould growth as the warmth and moisture created in the enclosed area of a shower offer ideal conditions for mould growth in the dark places of the shower around the internal corners and the shower floor drain. Poor air circulation is quickly resolved by installing a good-quality bathroom extraction fan above the shower that turns on automatically to remove all of the steam and water particles while you are using the shower, actively preventing mould growth.

What do you do if you suspect that you have mould in your bathroom or kitchen?

If you suspect that you have mould in your bathroom or kitchen, it’s essential to take action to address the problem. Here are a few steps you can take to identify, remove and preventing mould:

  1. Look for signs of mould: Mould can appear as black, brown, or green spots on surfaces. It may also have a musty or unpleasant smell.
  2. Identify the source of the moisture: Mould needs moisture to grow, so it’s essential to determine the source of the moisture in your bathroom or kitchen. This could be a leaky pipe, a humid environment, or poor ventilation.
  3. Repair the source of the moisture: Once you have identified the source of the moisture, it’s essential to fix the problem to prevent further mould growth. This may involve repairing a leaky pipe, installing a dehumidifier, or improving ventilation.
  4. Clean and disinfect the affected area: Be sure to wear protective gear, such as gloves and a mask, to avoid inhaling mould spores.
  5. Dry the area thoroughly: After cleaning the mould, it’s essential to dry the area thoroughly to prevent new mould growth. Use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process.

Whywait recommends using enzymes on mould

If you are suffering from mould growth in your bathroom and kitchen, then Whywait Plumbing recommends removing it before permanent stains are created. To not only prevent but also treat mould, we use what nature uses, which is enzymes rather than corrosive chemicals. Enzymes are a natural part of our world and play an essential role in everyday life. They are found in every living organism, and without enzymes, life is impossible. Enzymes are catalysts – not living organisms.

The success Whywait Plumbing has enjoyed with utilising our enzyme products is incredible, with every problem we have used exceeding our expectations and our client’s expectations. Enzyme products are a guaranteed supply of plant-based enzymes and enzyme products that, by their very nature, eliminate odours and organic matter, from blood stains to cleaning carpets and countertops, removing wallpaper, and even being used as a high-quality cleaner/degreaser.

For preventing mould and treating bathroom mould in the bathroom or the kitchen, we utilise a kitchen and bathroom mould and mildew spray, which is a spray and wipe product that is suitable for all surfaces in a bathroom or kitchen, whether they are Formica or stone bench tops, tiles, glass, timber or stainless steel as it will not only attack existing mould but prevent mould developing.

If you have surface mould in areas such as tiles grout, we spray the affected area whilst cleaning the area with a stiff brush. Once we have finished brushing the site, we leave it for 5 minutes, then rinse it with clean water. If you have heavy mould infiltration, applying a couple of extra times may be necessary to eradicate the mould.

Frequently we will find mould behind the silicon sealant on the internal corners in tile areas which will require more thorough work. First, we will need to use a utility knife such as a Stanley knife to scrape off all of the silicon and ensure you use a blade to scrape the remnants of silicon clear off the tiles. Once all of the silicon has been removed, we spray the mould as above until it has all disappeared. Once the mould has gone, we clean the area and dry it thoroughly with a hot air dryer to ensure no moisture is trapped in the open joint. Finally, we will need to apply a good quality mould-resistant silicon to the joint, specifically designed for high moisture areas.

Preventing mould growth reoccurring

Once we have removed the kitchen or bathroom mould, you need to ensure that you remove the chemical cleaners and bleaches from your cleaning regime and use our enzyme products in your bathroom and kitchen to prevent mould from reoccurring and ensure you have a positive prevention program in place in your home that contains no harmful phosphates or caustic chemicals.

Suppose the mould problem is extensive or we cannot locate the moisture source. In that case, it may be necessary to undertake a more thorough investigation, especially if you observe mould reappearing after a few days of our initial removal. In that case, you may have problems with leaking pipes or fittings that require a thorough investigation by us to ensure you are not damaging internal frames and wall linings. If you have leaking pipes or fittings behind the wall, then the mould is only a symptom of a bigger problem; ignoring it will not make it disappear.

Preventing mould growth in the first place is the best way to protect your health and your home. Be sure to regularly check for signs of mould and address any moisture issues promptly. 

If you have any doubts about mould, contact Whywait Plumbing for advice on dealing with mould in your bathroom and kitchen.